Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blog Day Forty- Nine: Essay Preparation and Demographic Transition Quiz

Today in class I took my demographic transition quiz that I missed yesterday. The quiz was challenging and I hope I did well on it. Some of the questions were easy and others were hard and I had to sit and think about them before I could answer the question. I did all the things Mr. Schick told us to do in his blog to prepare for the quiz. I rewatched the three videos about demographic population, I looked at the graph I made about demographic transition, and finally I reread the first reading Mr. Schock gave us about demographic transition. The article was much easier to read after I'd learned more about demographic transition. I understood what the text was saying the second time around reading it and therefor it was easier for me to comprehend. After the quiz I started working on the essay I have to write for this class for the exam. We have to write the actual essay by hand on Friday. To make sure I do well I plan on typing my essay out for someone then to peer review during Thursday's class.

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