Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blog Day Fifty- Eight: Last Blog and Class of Human Geo

Today in class we all decided that we didn't want our test back. The test were about Guns, Germs, and Steel. I got a 92 and I am very proud of myself because I didn't study as much as I could have have and still got an A. Overall Human Geography has been fun. Our next semester course is Western Civilization and lucky me, I have Mr. Schick again for that class. I will be creating a new blog account for Western Civ. I am also excited for that class because I am in the smaller class of about 13 kids. But back to Human Geo, I have had my ups and downs with this class. Coming from middle school social studies to this class was a big adjustment because the test were challenging and hard to get used to because I actually had to study. Normally I could just wing it and get an A in middle school, but here I had to work to get the grade I deserved. I definitely don't think this is a bad thing, because studying the material that was taught to us actually helped me better understand it and learn it. Human Geo was a fun class and I think I will miss typing these blogs every night and taking the class everyday. Goodbye blog, Until Western Civ.

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