Friday, January 10, 2020

Blog Day Fifty- Five: The Fertile Crescent and Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today in class we finished the video about Guns, Germs, and Steel. Something I found interesting was the fact that Papua New Guinea had no native animals that were part of the list of the 14 different types of animals that were successfully domesticated by humans. This fact helps support Jared Diamond's theory that Geographic luck take part in the success of a civilization. Most of those 14 animals came from Asia, North Africa, and Europe. One species did come from South America and that was the llama. Mr. Schick paused the video to have someone guess which animals came from South America, and I guessed the llama correctly. Also the fertile crescent had many of these animals and had good vegetation to grow and eat crops. After about 1,000 years later the fertile crescent was so overused the people who lived there had to move and find others places that are not as barren as they had made the fertile crescent. Overall the video was very interesting and I learned a lot from it.

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