Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blog Day Fifty- Seven: Test on Guns, Germs, and Steel

Today in class we took our test on Guns, Germs, and Steel. Overall I think the test was fairly challenging. there was a few questions that I did not take notes on and did somewhat kind of remember them being in the video. One of the things I dislike the most about having tests on videos is the fact that you could be taking notes constantly, but miss out on one thing that the video says that is on the test. Maybe that's just me, I don't know. I am hoping that I did well enough on the test to have earned an A. Mr. Schick did something different this test, which was playing soothing, relaxing music while we completed the test. I don't think adding the music helped me do better on the test. If anything I'd say it distracted me more because instead of silence there was noise. I would find myself focusing on the music rather than the test and that would be wasting my time. It was nice hat Mr. Schick was trying to do something to ease our test anxiety, but for me music during a test just doesn't work. This was the last test of this quarter and semester for this class. With that being said tomorrow will be our last day of class and therefore the last day of my Human Geography blogs.

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