Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Blog Day Sixteen: Preparation for Time Zone Discussion

Today in class we started to research for a discussion we are having in Friday's class. The topic was time zones and if we should keep them or not. There were three different points of view that the class could take. You could be for keeping the time zones the way they are now, against the time zones and wanting to abolish them, or you could right in the middle and not really have a solid opinion on what we should do with the times zones. I chose to be in the group that didn't yet have a say in the matter. I am quite intrigued to see what the two opposing sides say on Friday. I am not really leaning towards any specific side because I can personally see reason to keep and get rid of time zones. Our undecided group did have to take notes on both sides that way we have a fair view and knowledge of each opposing group. On thing that I remember typing was that time zones are not all consistent. Some are off by the half hour and others by the hour and, since time zones aren't a huge deal compared to everything else going on in the world right now, there isn't any law saying how they should work. Some time zones are not even in the same rate as the sun, meaning it can be seven o'clock and dark somewhere where it could also be seven o'clock and light somewhere else. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing counter arguments and the discussion bright and early on Friday morning.

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