Friday, October 18, 2019

Blog Day Twenty-Three: NMR, RNI, and Push/ Pull Factors

Today in class we talked about push and pull factors, net migration rate, and the rate of natural increase. Push factors are things that happen in your country that are so bad that they drive you out of your own country. Pull factors are positive things that attract you away from your home country to another country. Net migration rate can be found as either a positive or negative number. If it's found as a positive number then it is an immigration rate. If it's found as a negative number then it is a emigration rate. The difference is that an immigrant is someone who is coming into a country other than their home country. An emigrant is someone who is exiting or leaving their home country. The rate of natural increase is the annual growth rate of the population. This rate is found by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. Today's class was fun and I am really enjoying this unit so far.

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