Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Blog Day Five: Important Definitions/ Information

Terms we defined in class today:

  1. Agora~ A public open space used for assemblies and markets. A place where you could meet and talk to people. It was "the place to be" and the center fo all town activity. 
  2. Polis~ a city in ancient Greece. It is like Baltimore city and Baltimore county. The smaller city is inside the countryside and people from the countryside go into town to of their business. Political entities ruled by the people who live there.  Origin of words like metropolitan and politics. 
  3. The year 508 BC importance to ancient Greeks~ Democracy is introduced into Athens by Cleisthenes. He established a constitution called the "Father of Athenian Democracy." Formalized Democracy. Cleisthenes was the leader of this democracy. First time in recorded history the people revolted against their rulers. 
  4. Socrates~ Was a Greek philosopher, credited as one of the founders of western civilization/ philosophy. 
  5. The death of Socrates~ He was poisoned after being turned on by the politics of Greece. Known as the suicide of Socrates. He was charged with two crimes that had the punishment of poisoning.  
  6. The Socratic Method~ It is a form of philosophical questioning. It is used to dispute or prove wrong a statement. Cooperative argument, dialogue, based on asking and answering questions, to stimulate critical thinking.  
  7. Ancient Greeks meaning if idiot~ a private person, layman. A person who was label after not voting because they were self centered and didn't want to be attached to the community. someone who blowed off the responsibility of voting.   

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