Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blog Day Ten! Mercator vs. Peters

Today in class I took notes about the difference between the Mercator World map and the Peters Projection World map.
The Mercator World Map
Image result for the mercator map

  • It was used to help people navigate the world
  • Created by Gerardus Mercator
  • Created in 1569
  • Type of map projection
  • Distorts the sizing of each country
  • Cylindrical Projection map
  • Meridians are equally spaced parallel vertical lines
  • Enables navigators to plot a straight-line courses
  • Less practical for being used as a world map
Peters Projection World Map
Image result for peters projection map
  • All countries are in correct size in relation to each other
  • Created by James Gall and Arno Peters
  • Started to gain more popularity in 1974
  • Introduced during a press conference in Germany by Arno Peters
  • Created in 1885
  • Has distortion, Because any flat map won't be able to be a perfect match to a globe 
  • Yet has less distortion the Mercator's World Map 
  • Accurately shows how Africa is 14x bigger than Greenland

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