Friday, September 13, 2019

Blog Day Seven: The First Test!

   Today in class we took a test. In my opinion it was a pretty good test to start off the school year. The test wasn't too hard but I can see where it would be difficult if you didn't pay attention in class. Thankfully I looked at my notes right before the test started. There were a few things I probably wouldn't have remembered if I didn't look at them. I also studied last night before bed which definitely helped me remember things we did towards the beginning of last week. The two essays were also not that bad. Personally, I really dislike opinion essays but the one on this test wasn't all that bad. I think this opinion essay was easier to me than other essays because I payed attention in class and the facts to support my answer came up easily in my brain. The other essay was also not that bad. Once again it was based off facts that came up easily in my brain because I payed attention in class. The moral of this story is to pay attention in class in order to get good grades.

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