Thursday, September 5, 2019

Blog Day Two: High School...

   Today in class we talked about one of the hardest things in our educational career. High school. We discussed how important time management is. Most people get up around six in the morning and don't stop going until nine o'clock or later. In between that time we have to go and learn for about eight hours, go to practice for sports for about two hours, do homework for about another two hours, plus adding in the travel time, that totals up to about fourteen hours of nonstop work. This is a lot to handle for 14-18 year old kids. And not to mention the pressure put on us to get good grades. The cushion of middle school has been pulled right out from under us and for some people that can be a rude awakening. With all of this I agree that high school is the hardest part of our educational careers.
   In class we also started to talk about how amazing this guy Rowan is. He was given an assignment to find Garcia, the leader of the Insurgents, and deliver a message from the United States president. The only problem was that Garcia was nowhere to be found. Rowan was basically given an almost impossible mission and he still took it. I think that is the coolest part about him, he took what everyone thought was an impossible job and showed that it wasn't.

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