Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blog Day Thirteen: Situation

Today in class we continued to learn about "Site and Situation." In class we mostly talked about Situation. Situation is the location of a place relative to other places. For example if someone didn't know where Bel Air is located I would tell them it is northeast of Baltimore. Mostly likely said person has heard of Baltimore and therefore has a general, relative area that Bel Air would be found in. Geographers use Situation to help us find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one. They also use Situation to help us learn about the importance of a location. Some places are more important because of their accessibility; like Chicago. Chicago is such a big and populated city because it was very easily accessible back when America was growing into the country it is now. Chicago was being accessed by roads, railways, waterways, etc. This caused it to be a main center of trade and increasing its importance in society because of it's center in trade. Site and Situation are two very important things when geographers describe where things are.

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