Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blog Day Forty- One: The Five Major Religions

Today in class we finished taking notes on the five major religions of the world. Thankfully Mr. Schick moved the quiz on this to Monday instead of having it tomorrow. I think I would have been okay taking this quiz tomorrow just because we finished the entire PowerPoint today in class and got all the information we needed for the quiz. Although, the extra day and weekend will be plenty of time to study for this quiz. I already started to make a quizlet with the information from the PowerPoint on it and I plan on using that to study for this quiz. A fact that I found interesting from the presentation is that most likely in my lifetime Islam will have a larger following than Christianity. This is because Islam is located mainly in Indonesia, the Middle East and north Africa. All of these countries have a high birth rate causing their population to grow and therefor growing the following of Islam. This is also because Christianity is mainly practiced in Europe, the Americas, and south Africa and all these places have a low birth rate causing then the following of Christianity not to grow as fast as the Islamic following. Another thing I found interesting was that with Buddhism has a very large range of followers. This is because Buddhism is not an exclusive religion. The followers of Buddhism believe in following the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path. These two things can be followed in regular life by main people, in summary it basically says that if you are a good person you will reach a state free of suffering. I found the part about not being an exclusive religion very interesting just because all the other religions we studied were very exclusive in their beliefs. Today was a cool class learning about the five religions and I can't wait to learn more next class.

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