Monday, November 11, 2019

Blog Day Thirty- Five: Group Presentation Tomorrow

Today in class we finished working on our PowerPoint slides for our presentation tomorrow. I think that our group worked efficiently and we were successful in researching and completing our slides today. For tomorrow's presentation I will be presenting the slide about the problems in our developed country, Japan. At first it was a struggle picking a problem. In the end we went with Japan's declining population being the problem. In my presentation I will explain what Japan's problem is and why it is a problem. The rest of the group will be presenting an overview to the presentation, a solution to Japan's problem, and a problem and solution for our developing country, Vietnam. The expected time for our presentation is ten minutes. That means that each person in the group has to talk for about two minutes. For me that means explaining my slide thoroughly and not speeding up to much when I present.  I am nervous for this project, but I think my group is prepared for the presentation.

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