Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blog Day Forty! Test Review and Advice

Today in class we reviewed the answers to the test we took last class. I do enjoy reviewing the answers. It helps to have the right answers to the questions you got wrong in order to study correctly for the exam. For this test everyone got to read two questions, and some people got to read three questions. With one question I got wrong, I was confused by the numbers and in the moment didn't realize what that number ment. With the other question I got wrong I just didn't know that fact and went with the best answer I could think of in the moment. I think my chance at getting that question correct was 50- 50 after eliminating two of the other answers, and I just picked incorrectly. Mr. Schick also gave us some helpful insight into getting a better test grade next time, and just overall advice when taking a test. Mr. Schick told us that we should try covering up the answers to multiple choice answers and answering the question before we see the options for answering the questions. I think I am going to use this strategy because it will really test me to see if I know the information. Mr. Schick also told us that we should not rush through any tests we take. I usually am one of the last people to finish the test in any class really. I try not to rush myself ever, unless I am under a time crunch, because I think if the teacher gives us all the time we need then I might as well use the time that is given to me. I also consider myself a slow reader, so it takes me a few seconds to read and comprehend what the question is asking me. I also always check my answers before I turn in a test which tends to put me behind the rest of the class when I take a test. Today was a good class and I look forward to having a one-day unit on Thursday about five major religions.

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